Electric field intensity due to electric dipole in its end-on position

*“Electric field intensity due to electric dipole in its end-on position”:
*Note: Please replace (a) into (d) in above figure. Thank u

Considered AB is electric dipole which consisting by two point charges (-q)  and (+q)  and of length (2d). This the dipole moment will be p = 2dq. We are to find the electric field intensity at point P at a distance  r  from the midpoint of dipole in axial position . let the dipole is placed in a medium of dielectric constant be  k.

The electric fiedl at the point  p due to +q is,

 (along )

And  The electric field at the point p due to  -q  is,

 (along )

It is clear from above expression that E1>E2 but E1 and E2 are in opposite direction thus the resultant intensity at point p will be —


According to the definition of dipole —
d<<r  then  d²≈0

   (along BP)  NC–¹
  [ Electric dipole moment ]

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